Before submitting manuscripts authors should read all the guidelines, ethical statements and policies regarding manuscript submission, processing and publication.

The authors have the right to complain and ask clarifications and further explanations if they perceive any misconduct in guidelines, ethical statements and policies applied by the journal.

All the complaints could be raised via a letter at Letter forms are available in Allegations of misconduct section.

All complaints are investigated according to the publication ethics practices (see also sections Ethics and malpractice statement, Peer Review Process, Author Guidelines, Ensuring a Blind Peer Review, Privacy Statement, and Allegations of misconduct).

Subjects of complaints (but not limited): authorship issues, plagiarism, copyright violation, wrong research results, peer-review comments unsatisfactorily, conflicts of interest, violations in design standards for research, biases in review process, manuscript processing unusually late, etc. The process with dealing with complaints is detailed in Allegations of misconduct section. All decisions taken are sent to the concerned author through his/her submitted email address.