Guest Editors: Pieter LEROY & Marie-Gabrielle SURAUD
This special issue of ESSACHESS – Journal for Communication Studies, entitled “Environment and communication”, focuses on the processes of communication through which environmental issues conquer and gain their omnipresence. Even though one may largely agree on the increasing societal momentum over environmental issues, the processes of communication thereon cannot be conceived as linear or univocal. They are rife with disagreements and controversies. The gradual pervasion of environmental issues paralleled by varying conceptions and translations of their very nature, diverging ideas on their seriousness and urgency, and multiple and even contradictory strategies to tackle them. In other words, the adoption and incorporation of environmental issues in different spheres of society is mediated by ongoing communicative processes of multiple interpretations, adaptations and transformations. The contributions to this special issue illustrate and unravel these transformation processes in different spheres: the transformation of civil society’s environmental concerns and debates, the transformation of environmental public policies, the emergence of so-called environmental economics, the reconfiguration of research resulting from environmental issues’ priority, etc.
Published: 2014-06-23