Conflicts of interest
Essachess – Journal for Communication Studies requests authors and reviewers prior to submitting or agreeing to review a manuscript provide a conflict of interest statement, to warrant no such conflicts exist.
The authors have to declare funding sources (if any).
More details regarding conflict of interests for reviewers and authors in Ethics and malpractice statement section.
The members of editorial team and editorial board must declare any conflicts of interest prior to joining the editorial team or editorial board.
Editors and journal staff are not involved in editorial process and decisions about their own research work submitted to the journal. Essachess – Journal for Communication Studies handles submissions from editors and members of its editorial board as following:
- editors and editorial team and board are not allowed to take part to publication process and decision when they are authors or have contributed to a submitted manuscript.
- for ensuring a fair peer review in editorial team in the case of a submission from editors and members of editorial board, the journal requests the author do not communicate directly with the editor-in-chief. The author should communicate directly only with the assistant editor in charge.
- for ensuring a fair peer review in editorial team in the case of a submission from editors and members of editorial board, the journal requests any author will not be given special treatment.
Authorship criteria
Authorship should be composed to those who have made a significant contribution to conception, structure or interpretation of the article. Any other person who has made significant contribution for the article must be listed as co-authors. Authors also ensure that all the authors have seen and agreed to the submitted version of the manuscript and their inclusion of names as co-authors.
See also Duties of Authors sub-section in Peer review process section.
The Journal holds the rights to the articles it publishes. Essachess - Journal for Communication Studies uses a CC BY-NC license for published articles.