ESSACHESS – Journal for Communication Studies takes all possible measures against publication malpractice and does not tolerate plagiarism or other unethical behavior and will remove any manuscript that does not meet these standards. Journal regularly checks article submissions for plagiarism. Manuscripts that fall outside these editorial guidelines may be declined without full review.

Essachess – Journal for Communication Studies is committed to ensuring that third parties involved in research work and studies (survey respondents, case studies, experimental subjects, etc.) are imperatively informed of the use made in the perspective a publication of the data collected resulting from their participation in the research activity. Authors must undertake in writing to preserve their anonymity and the journal must be informed of this by written commitment. The authors must also undertake not to have implemented research systems likely to compromise the integrity of people in their field of observation or during experiments. The authors must explicitly address possible ethical issues raised by the implementation of their research methodology, clearly specify the responses provided and discuss these responses without ethical ambiguity. The authors also undertake not to transgress the rules of scientific debate in the articles they submit or to make defamatory statements likely to damage the reputation of a third party. The editorial staff may ask authors to provide the raw data from their research. Where possible, authors are asked to commit to allowing public access to their data. To do this, the authors must provide elements in the submitted articles and its annexes so that the readers can verify the solidity of the work and so that the reader is able to reproduce or continue it.

For Essachess – Journal for Communication Studies' commitment to be complete and clearly stated, the journal encourages its reviewers, authors and editors to refer to the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) website and to follow COPE’s Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing.

Recommended Ethical Guidelines leading Essachess – Journal for Communication Studies

-       Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) -

-       American Educational Research Association (AERA) -

-       American Political Science Association (APSA) -

-       American Psychological Association (APA) -

-       British Educational Research Association (BERA) -

-       Guidelines for managing the relationships between society-owned journals, their society, and publishers -

-       Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing -

-       Journals’ Best Practices for ensuring consent for publishing medical case reports: guidance from COPE -

-       Sharing of Information Among Editors-in-Chief Regarding Possible Misconduct -

-       Ethical Guidelines for peer reviewers (English version) -

-       Cooperation between research institutions and journals on research integrity cases: guidance COPE -

-       Guidelines for retracting articles -

-       Human research: Helsinki Declaration

-       Systematic reviews and meta-analyses: PRISMA guidelines (for protocols, see the PRISMA-P guidelines)

-       Case reports: the CARE case report guidelines

Articles involving human subjects

Research articles submitted to Essachess - Journal for Communication Studies, which involve data collection through intervention or interaction with individuals, must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • informed consent of participants and voluntary participation (participation should be voluntarily, with a clear understanding of the study's purpose, procedures, potential risks, and benefits). The authors of the articles submitted to the Essachess – Journal for Communication Studies should clearly state how informed consent was obtained from participants.
  • confidentiality and anonymity of participants (authors have to maintain the anonymity of research participants during the dissemination of findings, ensure the participants' privacy, and provide them with complete information about potential identification risks in published material prior to their involvement, do not reveal personally identifiable information about child participants and take necessary security precautions to keep confidential data collected from participants, etc.)

Note: Articles published in Essachess – Journal for Communication Studies are not based mostly on medical research, and do not fall within the scope of the Declaration of Helsinki. However, if applicable, articles submitted to Essachess - Journal for Communication Studies must comply with the Declaration of Helsinki if they include patients, or persons with disabilities, or if they contain practices of a medical nature (especially, informed consent in written form, permission from the legal guardians of the research participants, statement that the research complied with the Declaration of Helsinki).