Journal Sponsorship
Essachess Academic Association is the journal's owner.
ESSACHESS is the publisher for the electronic version.
Mailing Address: 125, Ch de la Font du Broc, 83460, Les Arcs, France
European Institute Publishing House and Essachess are the publishers for the printed version. The European Institute Publishing House is only responsible for product roles for print version. The editorial board & editors of Essachess - Journal for Communication Studies handle the editorial oversight of the journal and are involved in decision making.
Mailing address: 13, Grigore Ghica Voda, et. 9, Petru Andrei University Iasi – Romania, postal code 700469
Essachess – Journal for Communication Studies is an open access journal, which is published in both online and print version, financed by Essachess Academic Association, CORHIS (research center of Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3) and the publishing house. Funding is used to maintain the administrative and publishing costs. No APC and subscription are charged.
The opinions expressed in the texts published are the author’s own and do not necessarily express the views of ESSACHESS editors. The authors assume all responsibility for the ideas expressed in the published materials.