About the Journal
Aims and Scope
ESSACHESS – Journal for Communication Studies is the only French journal in communication sciences to promote in French and English language original contributions in the field of social, cultural, symbolic or economic communication. The journal publishes original articles whose diversity of reading levels and disciplinary boundaries, help through international innovative contributions to a better understanding of a regional issues.
ESSACHESS – Journal for Communication Studies stands out by five essential features that together confer its uniqueness:
- ESSACHESS - Journal for Communication Studies is the only French journal that meets the need to promote and make available the results of international research in the areas of the communication sciences to French researchers and among themselves, taking into account that the results of the international research in the area of the communication sciences are virtually absent in the French academic journals on communication.
- ESSACHESS - Journal for Communication Studies is the only French journal that publishes the best research interdisciplinary papers on social, cultural, symbolic, and economic communication.
- ESSACHESS - Journal for Communication Studies is the only French journal that integrates and covers all the subfields on the communication sciences.
- ESSACHESS - Journal for Communication Studies is the only French journal that builds bridges through the thematic fields covered between the French network of research in the communication sciences – a network closed in itself – and the networks of international research both disciplinary and interdisciplinary in the Americas, Canada, Asia, Africa, as well as Eastern, Central, and Western Europe.
- ESSACHESS - Journal for Communication Studies achieves an exceptional quality for the published articles through a double-blind peer review process of evaluation involving systematically for each article French and foreign experts at the same time.
ESSACHESS, peer-reviewed and published two times per year (July 23th - January-June, and December 23th - July-December), is covered in SCOPUS ELSEVIER, ERIH PLUS, ProQuest CSA, EBSCO Publishing, MLA Directory of Periodicals, Ulrich's, Gale, J-Gate, CEEOL, Genamics Journal Seek, etc. The journal is also recognized by HCERES - (HIGH COUNCIL FOR THE EVALUATION OF RESEARCH AND HIGHER EDUCATION). Since 2015, Essachess is Associate institutional member of ECREA. The journal has the Sherpa/Romeo and Mirabel labels.
Essachess Academic Association is the journal's owner. Organizations publishing the journal: University de Montpellier Paul Valéry (UMPV), ESSACHESS and IARSIC for the electronic version, and European Institute for the printed version.
The Editor-in-Chief, Executive Editor-in-Chief & Editorial Board of Essachess - Journal for Communication Studies handle the editorial oversight of the journal and are involved in decision making. The European Institute Publishing House is only responsible for product roles for print version.
ESSACHESS – Journal for Communication Studies is an open-acces journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.
The articles peer reviewed and published in Essachess are not previously subjected to any fee. The journal does not have a waiver policy.
ESSACHESS – Journal for Communication Studies est la seule revue française dans le domaine des Sciences de l'Information et de la Communication à promouvoir en français et en anglais des Études Scientifiques Spécialisées Appliquées aux Communications Humaines, Économiques, Sociales et Symboliques. La revue publie des articles scientifiques originaux dont la diversité des niveaux de lecture et des découpages disciplinaires, contribuent par des apports internationaux innovants à une meilleure compréhension des problématiques régionales.
Elle est une publication académique en libre accès inscrite dans les bases de données internationales SCOPUS ELSEVIER, ERIH PLUS, ProQuest CSA, EBSCO Publishing, MLA Directory of Periodicals, Ulrich's, Gale, J-Gate, CEEOL, Genamics Journal Seek, etc. et elle est actuellement en cours de référencement dans d’autres bases de données internationales. Essachess est également référencée par le HCERES. Essachess est membre associé institutionnel de l'ECREA depuis 2015.
Le comité de rédaction et le comité scientifique d'Essaches - Journal for Communication Studies assurent la supervision éditoriale de la revue et participent à la prise de décision. La maison d'édition de l'Institut européen est uniquement responsable de produire la version imprimée.
Son régime de publication est de deux numéros par an (le 23 juillet - Janvier-Juin, et le 23 décembre - Juillet-décembre) (version papier et numérique).
Les articles évalués et publiés dans Essachess ne sont préalablement soumis à aucun frais. ESSACHESS – Journal for Communication Studies est une revue en libre accès, ce qui signifie que tout le contenu est disponible gratuitement pour l'utilisateur ou son institution. Les utilisateurs sont autorisés à lire, télécharger, copier, distribuer, imprimer, rechercher ou créer des liens vers les textes intégraux des articles, ou à les utiliser à toute autre fin légale, sans demander l'autorisation préalable de l'éditeur ou de l'auteur. Ceci est conforme à la définition de l'accès libre de la BOAI.